Terms & Conditions

Last updated 6/15/2023

Thank you for choosing TheLotteryHouse! According to the determined by Law 13.709/18, that verse about Data Protection and other pertinent legislations, we present the following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, describing how we collect, utilize, process and disclose your information, including personal information, along with your access and use of TheLotteryHouse platform.

1. Introduction and overview

When the policy mentions “TheLotteryHouse”, “us”, “our”, “company” as well as other grammatical variations, it is regarding the TheLotteryHouse, the company responsible for your information under this Term of Use and Privacy Policy (the “data controller”)

The data controller is BR ENTERPRISE, a legal private entity, enrolled under the CNPJ number 18.241.825/0001-63, located at Avenida Bandeirantes, 809, A, ZIP code: 30.310-403, Anchieta, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The online address to our website is: https://thelotteryhouse.com

This document is linked to and constitutes the Terms and Conditions of Use at this website and can be altered at any time and moment for adequation to rules established by the legislation regarding data treatment.

Visitor: Every and any user of the website, at any form and means, that accesses the company’s website or platform through a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other source.

Browsing: The act of visiting pages and website content or the company’s platform. Cookie: Smaller text files automatically generated by the website and transmitted to the browser of the visitor, responsible for improving the usability of the visitor.

Cookie: Smaller text files automatically generated by the website and transmitted to the browser of the visitor, responsible for improving the usability of the visitor.

Login: Access data attributed to the visitor when first registering within TheLotteryHouse, torn into user and password, giving access to the restricted functions of the website.

Hyperlinks: Clickable links that can appear throughout the website content that redirects to either another company’s page or to an external website.

Offline: When a website or platform is unavailable for external access by users. In case of doubts about any word used in this term, the visitor must contact the company through our official communication channels found on the website.

The website and platform work normally 24 (twenty-four) hours per day, but small interruptions may occur temporarily due to adjustments, maintenance, server change, technical failure, or force majeure, which might occasion limited-time unavailability.

The company does not take responsibility for loss of opportunity or damage that this temporary unavailability may cause to users.

In case of maintenance that takes a longer period, the company will previously inform the clients about the necessity and the estimated unavailability period.

If it is necessary to register into the platform, the visitor must fill in a form with their data and information, to have access to a restricted part, or to make a purchase.

All data is protected by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, also known as LGPD, and when registering on the website, the visitor fully agrees with the collection of data in accordance with the Law and the company's Privacy Policy.

The visitor will be able to access all the content of the website, such as articles, videos, images, products and services, not implying any type of assignment of rights or permission to use or copy them.

All rights are preserved, according to Brazilian legislation, mainly in the Brazilian Copyright Law, or Lei de Direitos Autorais (regulated in Lei nº 9.610/18), as well as in the Brazilian Civil Code (regulated in Lei nº 10.406/02), or any other applicable legislation.

All content on the website is protected by copyright, and its use, copy, transmission, sale, assignment or resale must follow Brazilian law, and the company rights remain preserved, not allowing copying or use in any way or form, without express written authorization from the company.

The company may, in specific cases, occasionally allow exceptions to this right, which will be clearly highlighted, with the form and permission to use the protected content. This right is revocable and limited to the specifications of each case.

The access, visit and stay on this website/blog is a free choice and happens according to the will/desire of the user, being your visit and permanence on the website, the choice of this user.

This term can and will be periodically updated by the company, which reserved the right to change, without any type of prior notice and communication. It is important that the visitor always checks if there has been movement and what was the last update at the top of the page.

Becoming aware through this document that from the moment you maintain access and permanence in any of our pages, you are automatically demonstrating your explicit agreement, with all the rules and terms brought in the Privacy and Security Policy described below.

Our website/blog has texts, videos, images, audio, e-books, as well as other content that you can view when accessing our tabs, all without any discriminatory, illicit or defamatory content.

The published content is directed to people who are interested, curious or browsing information about the material on our website.

All content covered on our pages is produced by our team or by partners, respecting national legislation, as well as ethical and human values, in addition to moral principles, ensuring transparency and truthfulness in all information provided. The content produced by the blog does not bind and/or alter the content of this.

Our website, as well as its content and partners, are suitable for people aged 18 and over.

If you are under the age of 18, be aware that permission from your guardian is required for you to access the content brought to our pages, and the person responsible for the minor is fully responsible for accessing our material, as well as the contents brought by our partners.


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