News/ Man takes a chance on the lottery and wins r 18 million

Man takes a chance on the lottery and wins R$ 18 million

With the prize, he plans to pay off debts, travel the world, and invest in the future

The Lottery House


A resident of Radcliff, Kentucky (USA), fulfilled the dream of many: winning the lottery and changing his life. After winning $30 (about R$ 180) on a state lottery scratch-off, he decided to use the amount to try his luck again. The result was astonishing: a $3 million prize, over R$ 18 million!


The winning ticket was purchased in the Break Fort Knox game on December 1. While scratching the ticket at the market where he bought it, the man saw a dollar symbol and the number three appear. “I almost fainted!” he told the WLKY news channel. To confirm, he scanned the ticket in the lottery’s official app and read the dream message: “Congratulations, you won $3,000,000!”


The winner chose to receive the prize as a lump sum, which, after taxes, guaranteed him about $1.6 million (R$ 10 million). He stated that the amount will be enough to pay off debts, invest, and travel the world. “I always said it was a matter of when, not if I would win,” he said confidently.


The Break Fort Knox game has attracted many players in the U.S., but the chances of winning are slim. By December, only one top prize remained available. In addition to the lucky winner, the market where the ticket was sold also benefited, receiving a $22,440 (R$ 139,000) bonus.


Stories like this inspire millions worldwide to believe in luck. Who knows? The next winning ticket could be yours!

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