News/ Lotomania one bet hits all 20 numbers and wins r 1293321

Lotomania: One Bet Hits All 20 Numbers and Wins R$ 1,293,321.66

Check the Results and Prizes of Lotomania Contest 2728 (01/29)

The Lottery House


A bet placed in Cabo Frio/RJ hit the 20 numbers drawn in Lotomania Contest 2728 (01/29) and will take home the prize of R$ 1,293,321.66.


The drawn numbers were: 06 – 08 – 11 – 17 – 18 – 24 – 26 – 34 – 35 – 36 – 41 – 49 – 52 – 64 – 66 – 74 – 76 – 82 – 86 – 92.


In addition to the winning bets, check out the prizes in the other categories of this contest:

19 hits: 7 winners, R$ 26,920.09

18 hits: 99 winners, R$ 1,699.50

17 hits: 827 winners, R$ 142.41

16 hits: 4,530 winners, R$ 25.99

15 hits: 15,158 winners, R$ 7.76

0 hits: 2 winners, R$ 47,110.17 (one bet placed in Curitiba/PR and another in Cabo Frio/RJ)



To participate in Lotomania, bets must be placed by 7 PM (Brasília time) on the day of the draw at authorized lottery retailers or on Caixa's official website. To win, simply choose 50 numbers out of the 100 available and hit 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, or even zero numbers.


You can also choose fewer than 50 numbers and allow the system to complete the game for you. Alternatively, you can opt to mark no numbers and let the system automatically select the combination through the "Surpresinha" option. Additionally, you can compete with the same bet for 2, 4, or 8 consecutive contests using the "Teimosinha" option. Another option is to make a new bet with the system selecting the other 50 numbers not chosen in the original game through the "Mirror Bet." Each bet costs R$ 3.00.



What Are the Odds of Winning Lotomania Prizes?

The odds of winning in Lotomania for each category are:


20 numbers: 1 in 11,372,635

19 numbers: 1 in 352,551

18 numbers: 1 in 24,235

17 numbers: 1 in 2,776

16 numbers: 1 in 472

15 numbers: 1 in 112

0 numbers: 1 in 11,372,635



Players can claim their prizes at an authorized lottery retailer or a Caixa branch. Gross amounts exceeding R$ 2,259.20 can only be redeemed at the bank upon presentation of an ID, CPF, and the bet receipt.

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