News/ Customer claims r 34000 prize after lottery attendant steals ticket in df

Customer Claims R$ 34,000 Prize After Lottery Attendant Steals Ticket in DF

Security cameras caught the moment the employee pretended the ticket was not a winner and hid it

The Lottery House

Woman trying to tear a lottery ticket

Alessandra Silva, 44, finally managed to claim the R$ 34,000 prize from the Mega-Sena "quina" at Caixa Econômica Federal after her ticket was stolen by a lottery attendant in Taguatinga, Federal District. Alessandra confirmed the withdrawal of the amount on Friday (01/24), emphasizing the support of the lottery owner throughout the process.


The owner of the lottery house reviewed the security camera footage, which revealed the moment the attendant retrieved the winning ticket from the trash and kept it. The case is under investigation by the 17th Police Precinct in Taguatinga, and the employee has been charged with theft through fraud.



How the crime happened

Alessandra matched five Mega-Sena numbers and took the ticket to the lottery house. However, the attendant claimed it was not a winning ticket. Security cameras captured the moment the employee checked the ticket in the system and pretended to tear it up. After Alessandra left, the attendant retrieved the ticket, scribbled on it, stapled it, and hid it in her pocket. Suspicious, Alessandra checked the numbers at home and confirmed the prize.



Confession and prior incidents

During the investigation, the attendant confessed to the theft and admitted to having previously used the same method to steal another winning ticket worth R$ 400.


Thanks to the camera evidence and the attendant's confession, Alessandra was able to recover her prize. The case raises concerns about security and integrity in lottery operations.

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