News/ Curious purchases some lottery winners made

Curious Purchases Some Lottery Winners Made

Check out the exotic list of purchases made by the new millionaires

The Lottery House

Miron de Souza

Many people who win prizes in the lottery become completely euphoric. After all, it's not every day that you receive the news of a millionaire prize. Most fulfill their dreams, buy the car or house they always wanted, and dine at the best and most expensive restaurants. However, as each person has their own desires and dreams, there are some purchases made by lottery winners that were quite peculiar. Here are some of the most curious cases.


The cowboy Miron de Souza lived in the interior of Goiás, Brazil, and, upon hitting 13 points in the lottery, won a prize worth 13 million cruzeiros, which was a lot at the time. However, as soon as he received his prize, the first thing he bought was a denture. Additionally, he sought to invest in farms and cattle, and also invested in his children's education, as he could barely sign his own name.


In 2011, Christine Weir and her husband Colin won the £161 million EuroMillions prize. As soon as they received the prize, the couple bought cars and gifted all their friends. But they didn't stop there; the couple bought an extremely luxurious mansion in Scotland that cost around £3 million. After that, they also donated money to a campaign in Scotland.


In 2010, a Vietnamese man named Nguyen Van Het won 1 million reais in a bet. Nguyen was 97 years old and said he had no idea what to do with so much money. So, he divided almost all the money among his neighbors and used the rest to buy rice to feed the entire community.


Nivaldo Eduardo dos Santos was one of the first millionaires to win in the sports lottery, in 1972. The prize was very valuable, enough to buy dozens of houses and cars. However, Nivaldo decided to spend his new fortune on drinks and women. But that's not all. In addition, he also chartered a plane to transport his friends so they could attend all of his team's games across the country. Consequently, due to leading such a reckless life, Nivaldo went bankrupt and ended up living in a hostel.


Jonathan Vargas, upon receiving his millionaire prize, wasn't so reckless. In fact, he believed he was making a good deal. So, the winner of 35 million dollars bought a property for his mother. Then, with the remaining money, he made an investment in a program. The program in question was about female wrestling. However, those who really liked wrestling didn't like the program. Because it simply featured scantily clad women wearing pink fighting in a pink ring.

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