Caixa Lotteries: Changes to Lottery Draw Calendar Due to November Holidays
Attention to changes in the Mega-Sena, +Milionária, Quina, Lotofácil, and other lotteries' draws due to November's national holidays
The Lottery House

The month of November 2024 has three national holidays that will impact the Caixa Lotteries' draw calendar. The affected dates are:
November 2 (Saturday): All Souls' Day
November 15 (Friday): Proclamation of the Republic
November 20 (Wednesday): National Zumbi and Black Consciousness Day
The first two dates are long-standing holidays celebrated in Brazil, and November 20 was added to the national calendar at the end of 2023, with the approval of a law that made Black Consciousness Day a date to be celebrated nationwide.
These holidays will result in changes to the lottery draws such as Mega-Sena, +Milionária, Quina, and Lotofácil, as no draws are held on national holidays.
On November 2, since the holiday falls on a Saturday, the Mega-Sena (contest 2792) and +Milionária (contest 195) draws will be moved to Friday, November 1. That week, Mega-Sena will only have two draws, on Tuesday (October 29) and Friday (November 1), instead of the usual three.
Next, on the November 15 holiday, Mega-Sena will have draws on November 13 (Wednesday, contest 2796) and November 16 (Saturday, contest 2797), with no changes to the Saturday draw.
The final impact will be on November 20, when there will also be no draws. Mega-Sena draws will take place on November 19 (Tuesday, contest 2798) and November 23 (Saturday, contest 2799). +Milionária will hold its contest 200 on Thursday, November 21, and contest 201 on Saturday, November 23.
These changes require players to stay alert to avoid missing important deadlines.