Your dreams can lead you to victory!
Learn the story of Joseph from Egypt and understand how your dreams can help you achieve riches and places of government.
The Lottery House

Do you know the story of Joseph from Egypt?
The story of Joseph from Egypt is one of the most famous biblical narratives found in the book of Genesis, which is part of the Old Testament of the Bible.
Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel, born at the end of the patriarchal period. The story begins when Joseph was a young shepherd and had a special relationship with his father Jacob. Joseph's brothers, jealous and annoyed with the preferential treatment given to him, conspired against him.
One day, when Joseph was 17 years old, his brothers captured him and planned to kill him. However, Reuben, one of the brothers, convinced the others not to kill him and suggested that they throw him into a hole. While Joseph was in the hole, a group of caravan traders passed by, and the brothers decided to sell him as a slave to them.

But, what is the relationship of dreams with the story of Joseph?
To continue to tell the story of Joseph, we need to talk about two dreams that he had while still living in his father's house.
Dreams play a fundamental role in the story of Joseph from Egypt. From the beginning, Joseph had a special ability to interpret dreams and receive divine messages through them.
At 17, Joseph had two significant dreams. In the first dream, he saw that he and his brothers were tying sheaves of wheat in the field, and Joseph's sheaf rose while his brothers' sheaves bowed before him. In the second dream, he saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowing before him.
When he told these dreams to his brothers and his father, they became jealous and interpreted the dreams as a sign that Joseph would rule over them. These dreams were one of the main factors that contributed to the brothers' envy and resentment towards Joseph.
Now that we have talked about the dreams that Joseph had, we can continue to tell his story. Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold as a slave to Potipar, a high-ranking Egyptian official.
Under Joseph's supervision, everything that Potipar did prospered, and he soon became the chief steward of Potipar's house.
However, Potipar's wife tried to seduce Joseph repeatedly, but he resisted her advances. Feeling rejected, she falsely accused him of attempted rape, which led to Joseph's imprisonment.
In prison, Joseph again demonstrated remarkable abilities and gained the trust of the jailer. He interpreted the dreams of two other prisoners, the chief cupbearer and the chief baker of Pharaoh, accurately.
The cupbearer had a dream in which he saw a vine with three branches that bloomed and produced grapes, and he was squeezing the juice of these grapes for Pharaoh. Joseph interpreted the dream as an indication that the cupbearer would be restored to his position and asked him to remember him when this happened.
The chief baker had a different dream, in which there were three baskets of bread on top of his head, but the birds were eating these breads. Joseph interpreted the dream as an indication that the baker would be executed and that the birds would eat his flesh.
These interpretations of dreams became reality. The cupbearer was restored to his position and the baker was executed, exactly as Joseph had predicted.
Two years later, Pharaoh had an intriguing and disturbing dream that none of his advisers could interpret. The cupbearer remembered Joseph and recommended him to Pharaoh as someone capable of interpreting dreams. Joseph was brought from prison and interpreted Pharaoh's dream as an omen of seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. He advised Pharaoh to appoint someone to manage resources during the years of abundance, in order to prepare Egypt for the impending shortage.
The moment when Joseph's dreams began to bring positive returns!

Impressed with Joseph's wisdom, Pharaoh appointed him governor of Egypt, in charge of managing the economy during the years of abundance and establishing reserves to face the impending famine. Joseph became a prominent figure in Egypt and played a vital role in preserving the country during the famine crisis.
Joseph's family, including his father Jacob and his brothers, was affected by the famine in Canaan and found themselves in despair. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food, and there they found Joseph, although they did not recognize him. Joseph decided to test his brothers to see if they had changed and repented of what they had done to him.
After a series of dramatic and emotional events, Joseph revealed his true identity to his brothers and reconciled them. He invited them to settle in Egypt, where they were treated generously and prospered.
Joseph from Egypt is considered an example of perseverance, forgiveness, and trust in divine providence. His story illustrates how events can unfold in unpredictable ways, but also shows how faithfulness and integrity can lead to redemption and success.
But, what does Joseph's story have to do with lotteries?
Joseph's perseverance, faith, and resilience are moral teachings that motivate us to pursue our dreams. In the previous article we talked about the "Law of Attraction", which preaches that, by directing your thoughts and emotions towards a specific desire, whether it is material, a relationship, health or success, you will be emitting a corresponding energetic vibration to that desire. This vibration, in turn, will attract events, people, and circumstances aligned with the energy you are emanating.
Believing in your dreams is the main path to achieving success. Have you ever imagined yourself traveling the world? Have you thought about how many people you could help with a lottery prize? Have you seen yourself helping all your family and friends after a millionaire victory?
Start dreaming, be like Joseph, invest in your dreams, have positive thinking and believe in yourself!
Just as Joseph had dreams that propelled him towards a promising future, many people have dreams of becoming rich by winning the lottery. These dreams can serve as a source of hope and motivation, fueling the belief that it is possible to achieve a significant change in their lives.
By interpreting Pharaoh's dream and predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine, Joseph developed a strategic plan to face the crisis. Similarly, for those who wish to succeed in lotteries, it is important to set realistic goals and develop a game plan. This may include setting a budget for playing, choosing numbers strategically, or participating in pools.
Joseph's story is marked by his perseverance and willingness to seize the opportunities that were presented to him. He overcame many challenges along the way and seized the chances that arose to achieve his goals.
Joseph's story teaches us that the first step to achieving our dreams is to believe that they can become reality. From our faith and our strategic planning we draw a route towards our success, and lotteries are part of it!
Believe! You can achieve your dreams and do even more with a millionaire prize!
We already know that lotteries are an instrument for realizing dreams all over the world, but what few people know is that they have a gigantic social impact, which helps in the development of local communities and contributes to social projects.
Discover in this link "3 irresistible reasons to play lotteries" and bet on your dreams! Let's go? YOUR DREAMS ARE WAITING FOR YOU!"