Blog/ Senate approved project that allocates 1 of the amount collected in lotteries to the terra brasil program

Senate approved project that allocates 1% of the amount collected in lotteries to the Terra Brasil program

Playing the lottery can finance small farmers; understand

The Lottery House




Project Approval Vote

Approval of the Bill allocates 1% of lottery revenue to the National Land Credit Program.

The Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) of the Federal Senate approved, on September 12, Bill 1,658/23, which establishes a significant change in the financing of the National Land Credit Program (PNFC), popularly known as Terra Brasil. The project, twith the objective of allocating 1% of the amounts collected from lotteries to strengthen the PNFC, a federal government initiative aimed at helping small farmers in the country.


The initiative came from Senator Jaime Bagattoli, who highlighted the need to approve this measure due to the difficulties faced by small Brazilian rural producers. In his argument, Bagattoli highlighted the relevance of this sector for the country's supply: "We have a very great difficulty in obtaining credit for small producers in Brazil. There is still the issue of land regularization and several other problems. We know that more than 70% of The foods consumed today in our country depend on mini and small producer agriculture, including fruit and vegetables."


The proposal was presented and carefully evaluated by CAE, which, through the report read by Senator Margareth Buzetti, highlighted the areas that could benefit from the resources allocated to lotteries. The senator highlighted the importance of channeling a small portion of the prizes distributed by lotteries to the Terra Brasil program, without burdening the public coffers: "On the one hand, a small adjustment in the prizes distributed by lotteries in Brazil, at no cost to the treasury, and on the other, the availability of this amount for the important functions of the program, the purchase of land, financing the structuring of the property and the production project and the contracting of technical assistance and rural extension".


The Bill establishes that 1% of the total revenue obtained from betting or selling lottery tickets, whether in physical or virtual media, will be used to finance the Terra Brasil land credit program. This measure aims to strengthen the program and allow more small farmers to have access to land and resources to develop their productive activities.

Terra Brasil: Supporting Family Farming and Agrarian Reform

Family Farming

Terra Brasil is a federal program that plays a crucial role in the development of family farming and the reorganization of land ownership in the country. Complementary to agrarian reform, the Terra Brasil program focuses on several areas, including the purchase of land for rural workers and investments in infrastructure for rural properties.


To serve different family farming audiences, the program offers three distinct lines of credit:


Financing for land acquisition: This line of credit aims to assist rural workers in purchasing land for their agricultural activities. This provides the opportunity to expand their cultivation areas and improve their living conditions.


Basic infrastructure projects: Terra Brasil's second line of credit focuses on improving the infrastructure of rural properties. This includes road construction, irrigation, electrification and other improvements needed to increase the productivity of agricultural areas.


Productive projects: The third line of credit aims to support productive projects implemented by rural workers. This includes investments in agricultural equipment, technology, training and other initiatives that increase the efficiency and profitability of agricultural activities.


The Terra Brasil program also opens its doors to non-owner rural workers, such as employees, partners, squatters or tenants, as long as they can prove a minimum of 5 years of experience in rural activity. In addition, farmers who own properties whose area does not reach the size of a family property and who demonstrably do not generate sufficient income to support themselves and their families are also eligible to participate in the program.


A notable feature of Terra Brasil is the flexibility in payment terms. Beneficiaries can pay the loan in up to 25 years, after a grace period of 3 years before the installments begin. This allows farmers to have an adequate period of time to develop their activities and achieve financial stability.

Impact of the Allocation of Lottery Resources


The approval of Bill 1,658/23, which allocates 1% of lottery revenue to Terra Brasil, represents an important milestone in supporting family farming and land reorganization in Brazil. These additional resources will allow the program to expand its operations and serve a greater number of smallholder farmers across the country.


Allocating a portion of lottery revenues to Terra Brasil is an intelligent way of financing the program, as it does not imply additional costs for the government. Instead, this initiative takes advantage of an existing source of financing and directs it towards a crucially important purpose: strengthening family farming and promoting agrarian reform.


The benefits of this measure are diverse and wide-ranging:


Support for family farming: Family farming plays a vital role in food production in Brazil. By strengthening this sector, the country can guarantee a constant supply of fresh and healthy food, in addition to stimulating the local economy.


Land regularization:One of the main challenges faced by small farmers is the lack of land regularization. With Terra Brasil resources, more families will be able to access legally registered land, which provides security and stability for their agricultural activities.


Sustainable rural development:Financing infrastructure projects and productive projects contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas. This includes implementing more efficient and environmentally conscious agricultural practices.


Reducing rural poverty:By offering credit opportunities and technical assistance to low-income farmers, Terra Brasil helps reduce poverty in rural areas, improving the living conditions of the families involved.


Encouraging the production of quality food:The Terra Brasil program contributes to the production of high-quality food, promoting food and nutritional security in the country.


The approval of the Bill that allocates 1% of lottery revenue to the National Land Credit Program (Terra Brasil) is a significant step in the right direction to strengthen family farming and promote agrarian reform in Brazil. With this measure, the federal government demonstrates its commitment to supporting small farmers and improving living conditions in rural areas.


Terra Brasil, in turn, plays a fundamental role in achieving these objectives, offering flexible lines of credit and technical assistance to those who need it most. With the allocation of resources from lotteries, the program gains additional momentum, which will translate into tangible benefits for rural communities across the country.


As the project moves into the next legislative stages, it is important to recognize the positive impact this initiative will have on the lives of small farmers and food production in Brazil. Family farming is an essential pillar of the country's economy, and investing in its strengthening is an investment in Brazil's future. Therefore, the allocation of lottery resources to Terra Brasil is a measure that deserves the support and attention of all citizens committed to sustainable development and social justice in the country.


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