Law of Attraction:
A path of faith that led dozens of people to win the lotteries!
The Lottery House

The Law of Attraction is not just about having faith, but about being sure that you will win!
Did you know that a Demographic Survey from the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life found that 84% of people worldwide profess some faith?
Well, first of all, we should make it clear that this is not a text about religion, but if you want to prosper, you should read this text.
In this article, we will talk about the law of attraction, which is a concept that suggests that our thoughts and feelings have the power to influence reality and attract the things we desire. This idea is based on the belief that the universe is composed of vibrational energy and that our personal vibrations directly correspond to the experiences we have.
Before we discuss the law of attraction a little bit, let's tell the story of 5 lottery winners from around the world who attribute their victories to this ancient concept!

Valmir – R$36 MILLIONS (Brazilian Real)
Let's start with Valmir's story, a Brazilian citizen who, in a subconscious way, attracted 36 million reais through the lottery called Mega Sena.
It all began in 1988. Valmir learned about construction from his uncles, and at the age of 23, he chose to leave his hometown, Santo Anastácio, located in the western region of São Paulo, believing in a better life in the capital. He contributed to the renovation of the old Carandiru prison and still keeps the helmet he used at that time as a talisman.
However, his stay in São Paulo was short-lived. Valmir reports that while he was working with his brother, picking cotton, he uttered the following words: "Friend... I don't intend to work anymore! I will win the lottery and even buy this farm here!" And that's exactly what happened. On that same day, he went to a lottery agency and placed a bet, choosing his numbers based on dates and values that had personal significance for him.
For the selection of numbers, he established connections:
Day 02: Your arrival in São Paulo
Day 03: The start of your work
Day 07: Your hospitalization period
Day 08: Your discharge from the hospital
31: Your hourly salary at the time
43: The second increase in your hourly salary
He filled two cards with the same sequence of numbers. At that very moment, a plane flew by and he confidently declared, "I will leave on a plane like that one over there!" It is said that he had not yet placed the bet, and the people around him burst into laughter.
On the day of the drawing, he went to the lottery to check and discovered that he had won on both tickets, which, adjusted for current days, would correspond to a value of 36 million reais.
His first expense was with the owner of the lottery, who accompanied him to the bank to receive the fortune. According to Valmir, because of this promise, he gifted him with a new car.
Furthermore, he invested in various rural properties and lives comfortably to this day!
Even unconsciously, the former bricklayer used the law of attraction to materialize his desired reality.
We can perceive the power of words, as he awakened the desire within himself and declared with conviction both that he would win the lottery and that he would return to his hometown through that plane!
Maria Carreiro – US$40 MILLIONS

The second person on our list to apply the law of attraction to win the lottery was Maria Carreiro.
Maria Carreiro, a resident of Toronto, led a modest life with her husband. While he worked two jobs, she took care of their five grandchildren so that their three children could work. However, everything changed when she found out that she had won the Canadian Lotto Max, earning 40 million dollars.
Maria always affirmed that one day she would win the lottery and visualized her life and her family's life transformed with the prize. And this affirmation came true when she won the amount of 40 million dollars.
She says that initially she thought she had won 40,000 Canadian dollars, which already made her immensely excited, happy, and grateful... However, she did not imagine that the prize was a thousand times bigger!
When she arrived home with the news, her daughter searched the internet and found out that her mother had won 40 million, not 40,000 as she had thought. Converting the amount to US dollars, the total comes to approximately 39.4 million.
Within the context of the law of attraction, we always emphasize the importance of gratitude for manifestation, and I believe that by being happy with the 40,000, Maria opened up space to manifest much more.
Another relevant aspect is that Maria didn't say "I hope to win this time," but rather "one day I will win." This confidence and faith in her statement helped her align with her desire and manifest it in her reality.
Cynthia Stafford – US$112 MILLIONS
The third inspiring story involves Cynthia Stafford, an American woman who managed to win 112 million dollars using the Law of Attraction.
In 1999, Cynthia's brother had a tragic accident and died, leaving his five children orphaned. Faced with the possibility of seeing them in an orphanage, she decided to adopt them and requested custody of all the children, dedicating herself fully to their care.
Unfortunately, her goodwill wasn't enough, and Cynthia began to face serious financial difficulties, even losing custody of her nephews. So, she sought out lawyers to regain custody of the children, which would require money.
In 2004, Cynthia decided she would win the lottery. She admires the book "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy, and started applying everything she had learned. Among the practices of the Law of Attraction were visualization and "I Am" affirmations. She also created visualization murals, where she put her biggest desires, practiced meditation, and made sure to interview lawyers and financial consultants even before winning the grand prize!
On Mother's Day 2007, Cynthia finally achieved her long-dreamed prize. She reports she was extremely happy but she knew that would be the result because it was what she visualized! With the lottery money, she regained custody of the children. Moreover, she shared the amount with her father and brother, made significant donations, and fulfilled some desires that were on her visualization mural.
Pearlie Mae Smith – $429.6 MILLION
Our next lottery winner is named Pearlie Mae Smith. Her prize wasn't exactly a result of the Law of Attraction, but we can say it was through intuition, or as one of Pearlie's sons called it: "divine intervention"!
A mother of seven children and a church pastor, Pearlie didn't usually play the lottery, buying tickets only when the prize accumulated to a substantial value. However, in the spring of 2016, she had a dream where certain numbers were revealed and felt compelled to act. With her family's help, she bought a ticket with the winning numbers provided in her dream: 5, 25, 26, 44, and 66. The Powerball's red number was 9 and the multiplier number was 2.
And the result? The family was the sole winner of a $429.6 million prize offered by Powerball.
The family members were shocked to discover they were the sole winners of one of the most significant lottery prizes of all time.
The prize was divided into eight equal parts: mother, six sisters, and one brother! The family consulted with a life coach and met with previous prize winners to learn from their experiences.
Each one of them also made a point to give back, offering 10% of their winnings to the church. And that wasn't the end of their philanthropy - the family also established the Smith Family Foundation. The foundation is a donation fund that not only provides financial assistance to community programs, but also offers leadership development workshops for organizations in Trenton. The family took on the mission of helping others, especially those related to their religion, and have since been giving back to their community.
Lana Mckenzie – US$2,2 MILLION
The fifth winner on our list is called Lana McKenzie!
Lana was the winner of a prize of US$ 2.2 million in the BC Children's Hospital. She had only $33 in her account when she bought the winning ticket.
Lana reveals her son was hospitalized, as he was born with an enlarged kidney and would need to undergo kidney surgery. At the time, the hospital was holding a lottery to raise funds, with the aim of helping to pay for new machines and services for the children at the hospital. To support the initiative and give back for the excellent care of her son, she decided to buy one of the tickets.
This hospital holds two lottery draws per year, and she thought she could win something by luck, like a suitcase or a car...
She claims to have heard her grandmother's words, who told her that she could make it happen when she visualized something positive. Her grandmother instructed her to visualize things positively, and it worked!
A week before winning, Lana was also chatting with one of her coworkers, who mentioned, "Did you know that there's an algorithm that says the more you talk about something, the greater the chances of it happening?"
She mentioned that her sister had already talked about the same topic, explaining that the chances of making something a reality increase by constantly talking about and visualizing what they want. Lana decided, then, to repeat the word "lottery" as much as possible, as she always viewed everything positively. For example, when she entered a parking lot, she always said she would find a spot nearby, and it really happened.
Now that we know these great stories, we can talk more about the law of attraction.
The Law of Attraction preaches that by directing your thoughts and emotions towards a specific desire, whether it is material, a relationship, health, or success, you will be emitting an energetic vibration corresponding to that desire. This vibration, in turn, will attract events, people, and circumstances aligned with the energy you are emitting.
Those who believe in the Law of Attraction generally associate it with the power of positive thinking. Advocates of this idea argue that by maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on desired outcomes, you'll attract more positivity to your life. On the other hand, if you focus on negative thoughts and what you do not want, you will end up attracting more unwanted situations.
The practice of the Law of Attraction involves techniques like visualization, positive affirmations, gratitude, and cultivating a mentality of abundance. It's believed that by clearly visualizing your desires, feeling advanced gratitude for them and affirming that they are already a reality, you will be raising your vibration and attracting these experiences into your life.
It's important to make it clear that the Law of Attraction is a controversial approach and does not have a solid scientific foundation. While some people firmly believe in its effectiveness and see it as a powerful tool for manifesting dreams and objectives, others are sceptical and consider the Law of Attraction to be pseudoscience, with no real and concrete basis.
Although the idea that our thoughts and emotions might influence our experiences is interesting, it's important to maintain a sense of realism and acknowledge that not everything is under our control.
Factors such as external circumstances, opportunities, and concrete actions also play a significant role in achieving our goals.
The odds of winning the lottery are real, but the practice of the rituals of this ancient concept alone is not a guarantee that you will win the lottery. It is also evident that you must believe and the more you play, the more chances you will have to win.
However, we must emphasize that lotteries should above all be a tool for fun and leisure, so you must respect your financial limits. Don't spend more than you can afford on lottery tickets, and don't rely on winning as a financial plan.
Play, have positive thoughts, and be happy! You can and deserve to be a millionaire! But remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the journey and not just the destination. Even if you don't win the lottery, you can still live a rich and fulfilling life.